Friday, March 07, 2008

May I Have Your Attention Please?

What exactly do you see in this picture? A group of kids? They all look like students from a class room? Precisely, a government school?


See carefully…

  1. There are only GIRLS in this group

  2. The girls are of different age groups

  3. They are not the students of a classroom or a school, but they belong to Sharanya, a children’s orphanage.

  4. The only similarity you can see among all of them is that they are all smiling and ask why? Because I had just given them lots of chocolates, before I clicked the snap, and the little girl in pink frock, right in the front, was the happiest of them all. It was beautiful to see the children smile and talk and even sing!

I am NOT writing this article for you to read and comment, but I want you to help. Sharanya is a children’s home – that houses orphans, or ‘special children of God’ like what I call them. These children don’t need anybody’s sympathy but they need your attention, time and financial support - to evolve into educated and civilized individuals tomorrow, probably with even better thoughts and opinions than what most of us have today.

The orphanage is in Bangalore, R.T Nagar. Anybody willing to spend some time can go and visit this place. Please think about it and see to what extent you can contribute. I can always help you with ideas, since I have been associated with the group in some time now. But it will be great if you can go and see the place on your own. Please write to me and let me know your thoughts.

Also, I would like to bring to your attention that why only girl children dominate these orphanages? Why is it that only female infanticide is rising so high in our country today? Read this:

The states of Punjab, Haryana and Jharkhand have the worst sex ratios in the country. According to the 2001 census, there are only 874 women with respect to 1000 men in these states. The national average was 933.

Isn’t this a serious concern? Especially among the illiterates and the poor? These people worship Goddesses. But when it comes to giving birth to a girl child, parents step back. Why?

  • Because of illiteracy and poverty?
  • Because parents don’t have enough money to get her married when she grows up?
  • Because parents don’t have enough money for her dowry?
  • Because, today, even if parents spend on her, she will not be able to return anything when she grows up or even be there to take care of her parents, since she will be married off?

It could be any or all of the above.

In this post, I am going to share my thoughts on Dowry. To a great extent, I blame our traditions and our society. Most parents believe in proving their potential to the society by flaunting wealth when giving away their daughters during the marriage ceremony. The richer they are, the more they flaunt. Also, the biggest mistake they commit is giving dowry, may it be in the form of gifts / jewels / whatever. This culture has evolved so much and getting a girl married becomes the greatest challenge in a man’s life. So much so that today, in the North India, among Brahmins, if a girl is unmarried till 30 years for whatsoever be the reason, a fixed dowry of 25 lakhs – minimum is what the parents need to be prepared for. This is true, and I am telling you out of what I have seen very closely. Some families feel very disappointed when their sons fall in love and marry a girl, because their rights to demand more from the girls’ parents goes down, although it does not get evaded completely.

I spoke to some women. They feel that it is the only way they can instantly make place in the boy’s family and it is important that they bring wealth from the father’s house. May be in olden days, women were not working and earning for themselves. But today, times have changed. Although not all women are capable of coming out and facing the world alone, women are smart enough to manage to voice their opinions and there are plenty of ways through which they can build upon their skills and make money. It is really a matter of shame that till today we see such serious issues prevailing in our society. We do have our legal system in place. But the only thing is people are not aware of this and they fear to come out and voice their opinion.

Today we need more people to come out and stand up for what is right. We need more women who believe they can make a difference. Thanking God everyday for what we are and who we are is not enough. We need to think that since we are in a better position today, so why not work towards helping for a cause? We need to work against female infanticide and dowry. We need to think of pulling the left behind. When I got married, although my parents were not too happy, I very clearly told them not to encourage any such demands and they kept my word.

So people, please give it a thought and come forward to help. It matters. You will feel the difference within you. When you help others, you will feel that your existence is not just mere existence, but it meant something to someone, somewhere.

Pls: If you want to contribute for Sharanya, write to me or get in touch with them directly.


Praveen said...

Disgusting people...when I had started beleiving that dowry is something of the past, ur post gave me a jerk..25 lac if the gal is unwed till 30???? WT???? I have heard stories of the the "happening" marriage market in the north, but this is scary...why do the gal's parents succumb to it...? Wonder how many more generations have to see this! Empowerment is the only answer to this, ur doing a great job on ur part, I promise to get in touch with u regarding Sharanya sometime in the near future.

Now talking of sex ratio, have u seen "Mathrubhoomi-A nation without women" a film by Manish Jha that was released 3 years ago??

Read this if u havent

Chiroti said...

thanks for sharing your views and promising to get in touch, for Sharanya.

talking about dowry: it is prevalent even today, to a GREAT extent,not only in the north, but also in the south and it is one of the worst things that brings down the dignity of a woman; after marriage, even I have been asked several times about what my parents gave to the boy and the boy's side and I think a lot of women go through this phase and I get so furious when I hear this and I have managed to confront such situations, not giving explanations but telling out straight that our legal system does not allow this and that my parents and I don't believe in such things. But to tell you the truth, not many women muster the courage to talk back out of fear. If you are thinking that dowry does not exist, you are absolutely wrong.

For me, giving unnecessary gifts like car, house, cash etc to the boy is absolutely ridiculous and men who accept such things are the biggest LOSERS on earth. That is one part of the story.

What surprises me is that some parents, esp. the rich, encourage this to a great extent. They forget that they have a social responsibility to fulfill.

For now, let me stop here. Lets see what others also have to say.


Adiya said...

Its a contingency in india. I don't see any problem as long as its politically viable with more of under-played transactions.

its a cultural heads up and mental phenomenal thing. what is varathakshani? why is it framed for.

for a guy its VarumDhanksany - (Comming prospect ).

When u say or tag some thing called "Prospect" is something like bless. its been given from girl side to guy side to start a new life with full energy and turn his clock in a new direction.

from a traditional simple point of view every girl likes such things comming from her mom side. either it can be a simple dosa-plate to big oranments. its all good will thing.

But these sentimental good-will things overburnden into the society can created a big mismatch between races.

its a demanding factor now and more or less a guy has to be purchased for girls status or girls are sold to a guy with additional encashment. when u give some thing extra or take extra there is always a extra authority on other side to take ur reins out.

its a serious cult and i feel its changing day by day. esp in a middle class and upper middle class people ( of-course in my viewpoint ) started saying -- its your girl its your comfort you can/cann't do.

society getting better day by day. definitely this will change soon.

Thanks for the sharanys pictures. can i drop couple more pennyies ?

Chiroti said...

you have taken the discussion to a different angle altogether. taking small things from mother's house is definitely a sentimental thing and same implies for boys also, when they stay away from parents. that is different. here i am talking about unreasonable demands that come up from people, which become burdens to the girls families. most parents dont express it out of sentiments but deep down, I am against all this and I will stick to this. :-)

Sharanya - please shell out some pennies if you can spare...:-) I am going home, so I will be able to do the needful...:-) let me know.

by the way, picture of kids, you need not thank sponsored the chocolates anyways...:-) the kids loved it...:-) I also ate some 1 or 2 ;-)

Praveen said...

hmm Its been a long while that I came acroos the word dowry...touch wood, that was the reason I said "I had started beleiving that dowry is something of the past"....yeh truely such men are losers as u said...

U didnt make a comment on the film review link I posted...that must have SHOCKED u for sure I guess...leaving u void of any comments.

Anonymous said...


hey i would like to be a part of sharanya too...

and as far as Dowry comes, it still is in action...
i myself had to give dowry to my marriage...
and not just that in my community there are ppl whose demands are more than Crores... yet the parents what there daughters to get married....
well so should we blame the ppl who ask for it or the one who are ready to give some much of dowry..

I sort of think that there is no end for the word "Dowry" but some initiative should be taken to stop that....

And hey please, i and my frnds had been wishing since long to spend some time in a orphanage, n with have collected alot of money to buy the necessary things needed and also some clothes...
so could u please gimme the address of SHARANYA...

I would be very greatful to u, if u could do that for me and i also appreciate u for the great job that u r doing...

Good going frnd....:-)

Keedoos4 said...

Hi Chiroti,

I am impressed and want to visit Sharanya.
Could you please give me the details and address of that place so i can go there.
Thank u

Chiroti said...


Here is the location for Sharanya:
If you are going on R.T Nagar Main Road from Nandini hotel towards Shanti Sagar, take a right turn (opposite to J.B Bakery), you can see R.T.Nagar name plate on the left side of the road, and take the first left. The orphanage is next to Vinayaka temple. Please ask anybody for Sharanya and please contribute.


surishoni said...

Can you give me the authorised person's number.. I want to sponsor lunch for kids..